About me

Angie Hesser

In this photo you can see a Nikon in my hand, which I sold shortly after. Traveling with less weight is a blessing. Yes, you are clearly limited in your choices, some photos will never work. But you have more time to concentrate on an single motif. You don't have to change lenses and you won't get angry if you have mounted a wrong one at a certain moment.

"Photography is good for you", "Photography is therapy for the soul", "Every photo says something about the photographer", "Every press of the shutter freezes a moment that will never come back", "Every photo is a memory". Statements that I completely agree with.

Black and white photography is a great passion of mine. It has a calming effect on me, focuses me and takes me out of my everyday life. Started, as so many do, with my parents' camera, a Bilora Bella 66 Rodenstock (Which I still own to this day). Now on the road with a Leica Q2. You could say the camera and I sought and found each other. We will continue our path together and capture new perspectives, light and shadow, structures, emotions. I myself am curious about the direction in which this will continue to develop. It would be my pleasure if you accompany me on my photographic journey.


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